
ft (federica teti, 1985 IT) works in the field of urban practice, visual art and art education. Her practice focuses on the substance of space (and particularly public space) as a potential site for encounters and inclusion indulging in collective work, DIY and experimental learning processes. Since 2015, she has collaborated with art collectives, cultural associations, theaters, and schools such as Parkaue Theater, raumlaborberlin, S27-Art and Education among others. She has worked on interdisciplinary projects together with children, women, and young adults from refugee and non-refugee backgrounds. Graphic is a central tool in her practice; she is interested in developing visuals, info-graphics and zines as non-academic tools for learning, documenting and transferring complex contents.

From 2016 to 2022, ft and the sculptor and performer todosch schlopsnies (ts) shared life and work as artistic duo under the name ftts. Between 2020 and 2022, ftts was the artistic direction of the “Experimental Building Site” and community space Stadtwerk mrzn in Berlin, Marzahn. Stadtwerk mrzn was a project of the S27 – Art and Education and a campus of Urbane Praxis Berlin. ts passed away very unexpectedly in December 2022.

“In workshops of varied format, we build, garden, invent, and play. The main focus, besides creating the direct experience of cultural participation across all boundaries of origin and language, is to achieve something together that would never have been possible alone, and to also have fun while doing it.” // ts

Since 2014, ft has been based in Berlin. Currently working at ZHdk in Zürich for the MA “Art Education and Critical Social Practice”.


S27 – Verein für die interkulturelle Jugendarbeit.
Urbane Praxis e.V.
PARKAUE Junges Staatstheater.
HAU Hebbel am Ufer Theater.
FFT Freies Forum Theater.
FELD Theater für junges Publikum.
JTW jugendtheaterwerkstatt spandau e.V.
das Archipel
Punto Zero
Collectif mit
BAG Collective
2013-2016 working for raumlaborberlin.

2021 MA Visual Art // Institute Art in Context – Universität der Kunste, Berlin (DE)
2011 MA Architecture // Università IUAV di Venezia (IT)