Bandus – Art Festival

2015 I collaborated with the association Puntozero for the conception and the realization of an art festival on the site of the former military area “Caserma Osoppo” in Udine. The project was realized as part of “Udine 1915-2018 Storie in Corso”. During the event ftts was running the workshop “Rocket, send a message” collaborating with youngster in the areodynamic redesign of trash and left-overs materials produced during the festival itself.

Bandus: Zeroidee, Etrarte, Homepage Festival, MGML Mestni Muzej Ljubljana, Centro Espressioni Cinematografiche, Emergency, Urban Experience, Istituto Luce. Comune di Udine, Ufficio Attività culturali, Luca Giuliani

Tags: ftts and installation.